Enthronement to the Sacred Heart of Jesus


On October 3, 2003, just two weeks after the Daughters of Mary, Mother of Healing Love officially came into existence, we enthroned our Association and St. Charles Children’s Home to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Exactly eight years later Mother Paul Marie and I arrived at Paray le Monial, France; we were amazed to have received the invitation to participate in the First World Congress of the Sacred Heart of Jesus! If you enthrone your family to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and you really make Him the center of your family, you will be amazed at the results.

Jesus made twelve promises to St. Margaret Mary regarding the many blessings that He would pour out on those who honor His Sacred Heart. One of these promises is, “I will grant peace to their families.” We have a large family here at St. Charles Children’s Home since we consider the children who live here now, or who have lived here in the past, to be part of our family. If two of the children in this family get into a dispute, we have found that bringing them before the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and asking them to allow Jesus to help them resolve their dispute is a great way to bring peace to our family! I encourage you to enthrone your family to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. For more information on the Enthronement go to: www.sacredheartapostolate.com


(Sister Mary Rose is a member of the Daughters of Mary, Mother of Healing Love who staff St. Charles Children’s Home in Rochester, NH)